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Startup Services

BYR offers startups a tailor-made offer!

Our offer to startups is tailor-made, because we know that no two startups are alike, and that the problems faced by managers are all different, making each situation unique.

Our aim is to take as much of the burden off the management team as possible throughout the fund-raising period.

If we were to list what we can provide, at every stage of the fund-raising process, from simple advice to dedicated implementation :

-definition of the rationale for raising capital from existing shareholders.

-defining the timing and size of the fund-raising, as well as a critical but constructive approach to the envisaged valuation (a significant error on one of these three seemingly trivial parameters can totally compromise a fund-raising).

-help with the construction of the marketing presentation and the various documents required for investor due diligence, and assistance with due diligence if necessary.

-contact with specialized lawyers with whom we have negotiated preferential rates. These lawyers have specific expertise in capital increases and the drafting of related documents. We also offer our customers support in drafting the legal documentation in conjunction with the chosen law firm, as this stage can involve a great deal of back and forth, as well as assistance in negotiating and drafting the various clauses and adjustments required by investors, again in conjunction with the lawyers.

-training managers to present their projects to investors. A brilliant executive does not necessarily make a talented speaker, but "pitching" to an investor who has the ability to give your company a new dimension requires specific preparation.

An investor rarely offers a second chance!

-we put you in touch with an expert in non-dilutive financing. This former BPI employee, dedicated to innovation, will support you in R&D financing, and advise you on your non-dilutive strategy, integrating grants, subsidized loans and calls for projects. With 10 years' experience within the ecosystem, he will also be able to optimize your applications so as not to miss out on any opportunities for amounts ranging from €30k to €5m. A true specialist in innovation financing, he will take care of your project from A to Z, without calling on any subcontractors.

- and, of course, help in raising capital (contact with a large number of Business Angels and over 200 Venture Capital funds).On this last point, we define together the degree of Boost-Your-Raising's involvement, from defining a base of contacts to taking charge of the entire fund-raising process, even accompanying the Management Team on the most sensitive meetings.

Generally speaking, a fund-raising represents 3 to 6 months of full-time work for at least one member of the Management Team!

Take the pressure off, contact us!

In addition to the fund-raising process, we also offer Startups a "part-time" CFO service.

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