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Services for Asset Managers

BYR offers Asset Managers direct access to the French Institutional market.

Our experience in this market as well as our contacts allow us to access the vast majority of French institutional clients.


Beyond saving time for the Asset Manager who would consider setting up in this market, using our services also allows us to avoid fixed costs, our invoicing being based only on the collection carried out.


We also offer:


-analyze the compatibility of a range or product with French regulations and especially at the request of French Institutional customers (depending on the market context).

-to define together the target customers for a given range or product.


-help with the structuring of funds with unlisted underlying assets and/or specificities linked to the French market (help with the creation of FIAs, the inclusion of unlisted funds in life insurance contracts, the structuring of special characteristics, “evergreen” funds for example, connection with specialized law firms, etc.).

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